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Tired people Build

Tired people Build

Dec 11th 2024

Someone once told me that, and until recently, I never fully grasped why. Maybe it was a compliment, an omen, or just an observation of how I was showing up.

Because now, at this stage in my life, alongside my wife Beth of over two decades with our four boys, every time I realize where I am or what I'm doing, I'm thinking about creating something, and I'm building.

These past several months, I've been onto something big, and I am confident this is exactly what I was meant to build.

What started as Rocky Mountain Soap Market is now RM Soap Market. Inspired by the Rocky Mountains, it has transformed into what I believe is an impact-for-good endeavor that has stretched into an entire family of RM Brands, from a lifestyle branding company, RM-Life, to a retreat for people with Intellectual Disabilities, Story Ranch. I'm content with people believing I might be tired so long as I can clarify my belief that "Tired people Build."

Please take a moment to follow the RM Family of Brands and contact me if you would like to learn more or get involved.
